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攻撃組織: Aquatic Panda

Aquatic Panda (まとめ)

【ニュース】 ◆APT ‘Aquatic Panda’ Targets Universities with Log4Shell Exploit Tools (ThreatPost, 2021/12/30 11:16) [APT「Aquatic Panda」がLog4Shell Exploitツールで大学を標的にする]…


【ニュース】 ◆年越すLog4jの脆弱性、2022年も混乱もたらす予測 (マイナビニュース, 2021/12/31 19:05) 【関連まとめ記事】◆全体まとめ ◆攻撃組織 / Actor (まとめ) ◆標的型攻撃組織 / APT (まと…

APT ‘Aquatic Panda’ Targets Universities with Log4Shell Exploit Tools

【ニュース】 ◆APT ‘Aquatic Panda’ Targets Universities with Log4Shell Exploit Tools (ThreatPost, 2021/12/30 11:16) [APT「Aquatic Panda」がLog4Shell Exploitツールで大学を標的にする]…

China-linked APT group Aquatic Panda leverages Log4Shell in recent attack

【ニュース】 ◆China-linked APT group Aquatic Panda leverages Log4Shell in recent attack (SecurityAffairs, 2021/12/30) [中国のAPTグループ「Aquatic Panda」がLog4Shellを利用した攻撃を実施] China-linked APT group Aquatic Panda is exploiting th…

OverWatch Exposes AQUATIC PANDA in Possession of Log4Shell Exploit Tools During Hands-on Intrusion Attempt

【図表】 Figure 1. Initial suspicious reconnaissance commands identified by OverWatch Figure 2. Failed attempts to execute Linux commands on a Windows host Figure 3. Suspected Log4j exploits found in AQUATIC PANDA’s possession Figure 4. Gi…

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