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Downloader: PUNCHBUGGY

Obfuscation in the Wild: Targeted Attackers Lead the Way in Evasion Techniques

出典: 【概要】 Fin8 【ニュース】 ◆Obfuscation in the Wild: Targeted Attackers Lead the Way in Evasion Techniques (FireEye, 2017/06/30)…

Fin8 (まとめ)

【概要】 ダウンローダ PUNCHBUGGY POSマルウェア PUNCHTRACK 【辞書】 ◆Group: FIN8 (ATT&CK) 【ニュース】 ◆Obfuscation in the Wild: Targeted Attackers Lead the Way in Evasion Techniques (FireEye, 2017/…

Threat Actor Leverages Windows Zero-day Exploit in Payment Card Data Attacks

【ブログ】 ◆Threat Actor Leverages Windows Zero-day Exploit in Payment Card Data Attacks (FyreEye, 2016/05/11)