TT Malware Log

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攻撃組織: Calypso

Exchange servers under siege from at least 10 APT groups

【ブログ】 ◆Exchange servers under siege from at least 10 APT groups (WeLiveSecurity, 2021/03/10 14:00) [少なくとも10のAPTグループから四面楚歌のExchangeサーバー] ESET Research has found LuckyMouse, Tick, Winnti Group, and Calypso, among ot…

Calypso (まとめ)

【辞書】 ◆Calypso group (Malpedia) For the first time, the activity of the Calypso group was detected by specialists of PT Expert Security Center in March 2019, during the work to detect cyber threats. As a result, many malware samples of …

Microsoft rushes out fixes for four zero‑day flaws in Exchange Server

【ブログ】 ◆Microsoft rushes out fixes for four zero‑day flaws in Exchange Server (WeLiveSecurity(ESET), 2021/03/04 20:39) [マイクロソフトは、Exchange Serverの4つのゼロデイの欠陥の修正を急いでいる] At least one vulnerability is being explo…


【ニュース】 ◆6カ国の政府機関を狙った中国ハッカーグループの手口が露わに! (ガジェット通信, 2019/11/06 19:00) 【関連まとめ記事】◆全体まとめ ◆攻撃組織 / Actor (まとめ) ◆標的型攻撃組織 / APT (まとめ) ◆Calyp…

Chinese APT group Calypso hacked state institutions in six countries

【ニュース】 ◆Chinese APT group Calypso hacked state institutions in six countries (SC Media, 2019/11/05) 【関連まとめ記事】◆全…

Calypso APT

【資料】 ◆Calypso APT (PTsecurity, 2019/10/05) 【関連まとめ記事】◆全体まとめ ◆攻撃組織 / Actor (まとめ) ◆標的型攻撃組織 / APT (まとめ) ◆Calypso (まとめ) h…

Calypso APT Emerges from the Shadows to Target Governments

【ニュース】 ◆ Calypso APT Emerges from the Shadows to Target Governments (Threat Post, 2019/10/31) 【関連まとめ記事】◆全体まとめ ◆攻撃組織 / Actor (まとめ) ◆標的型攻撃組織 / AP…

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