◆Singtel hit by third-party vendor's security breach, customer data may be leaked (ZDNet, 2021/02/11 04:29)
[Singtelがサードパーティベンダーのセキュリティ侵害に遭い、顧客データが流出する可能性も]Singapore telco says it has pulled back all use of Accellion's file-sharing system FTA and is investigating the impact of a cybersecurity attack, having ascertained on February 9 that "files were taken" and customer data "may have" been compromised.
◆インシデント (まとめ)
◆2021年のインシデント (まとめ)
◆2021年1月のインシデント (まとめ)
◆インシデント: Accellion (まとめ)