◆Kaseya supply chain attack targeting MSPs to deliver REvil ransomware (Truesec, 2021/07/04)
[I 2021-07-02T13:59:59.544250Z +02:00 ] [ProcessCmd] Systemname-and-Kaseya-agent-details (REDACTED) logged in successfully.
[I 2021-07-02T14:00:01.512990Z +02:00 1840 16cc] [EVENT_SERVER] Fri Jul 2 16:00:01 2021: [5836] WARNING: Write File task will rewrite entire file '#agentWrkDir#\agent.crt' to 'Systemname-and-Kaseya-agent-details' (REDACTED) because the timestamp of the file on the server has changed.
[I 2021-07-02T14:00:01.559863Z +02:00 1840 12b4] [EVENT_SERVER] Fri Jul 2 16:00:01 2021: [4788] Write File task continuing previous transfer to file '#agentWrkDir#\agent.crt' at offset 1221800 of 1221802 bytes for 'Systemname-and-Kaseya-agent-details' (REDACTED). Process time = 0 seconds.
D:\Kaseya\Kserver\Kserver.log (侵入の形跡)
◆マルウェア / Malware (まとめ)
◆ランサムウェア (まとめ)
◆Sodinokibi / Sodin / REvil (まとめ)